Nakshatra Diamond Bangle NBC215

Here again a brand new Nakshatra diamond bangle in the modern styles and looks. Having a unique flower like design at top with catchy ends, it looks very attractive and new as it has straight top rather than conventional circular bend bangles.

Nakshatra Diamond Bangle

The middle part of the bangle has the revolution in it. Beautiful diamond chain is attached starting from top and goes down making a attractive bend again and then a center of attraction flower pendant in the bangle. Pendant in bangle is very new, in the bangle world, hence attractive and lovable to wear.

Nakshatra Diamond Bangle

The Bottom part also has new looks, as it is not very circularly bend, but a steeply bend. The gold metal is more thicker at the bottom, adds extra weightage to the bangle.

Nakshatra Diamond Bangle

 Definitely, Nakshatra Diamond Bangle, will be attracting the young girls and middle age women, no doubt of having pleasure when having Nakshatra, wearing Nakshatra and Showcasing Nakshatra.

Nakshatra Diamond Bangle